The Night Sky

March 15, 2012  •  3 Comments

Day 74

I decided today to try something different, I thought I would try to get a pictures of the planets Venus and Jupiter. I know next to nothing about the stars and planets but heard on the news that these 2 planets would be visible to the naked eye and next to each other for a few nights. Today was perfectly clear and tonight was supposed to stay that way, so I gathered up my stuff and went to look for a spot. I haven't tried to take pictures of the stars in a long time, and have never tried it with a digital camera so I wanted to give myself sometime to figure it out, I got to my spot out in the country away from any lights and got set up. I was able to watch the sunset and waited for the stars to come out. One by one they did, the first bright light I saw was Venus, then a little while later Jupiter showed up. I started to take some photos, it was still pretty light out but you could see the 2 planets clearly, in fact you could see 3 of Jupiter's moons, I was amazed that the pictures came out, I'm sure there are better ways to take photos of stars but I think these came out just fine.

I am in awe of the stars and space, like I said, I don't know much about it but have always been fascinated by the whole vastness of it. I live out in the 'country' that is, not near any big cities and you can see a zillion stars on a clear night like tonight, I can remember as a little kid looking up and trying to count them, trying to remember what the constellations are called, is anyone out there? Is the moon really made of cheese? I hope so because then the man in the moon won't get hungry.


"No sight is more provocative of awe than is the night sky." -Llewelyn Powys

In the above photo, it shows Jupiter, the bright dot,  and 3 small dashes that are 3 of the planets moons, in the below photo you can see Venus, the bright star in the upper center, and Jupiter just below and to the left. The planets look like dashes because of the long exposure time needed.


Goa Escorts(non-registered)
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Brenda Pittman(non-registered)
As dazzling as your amazing photo is Michaele, consider this. A December 2, 2010 news story said scientists think there are three times as many stars in the universe than had been previously thought _ 300 sextillion of them. As the story said, that number is a 3 followed by 23 zeros. Or 3 trillion times 100 billion.
Psalm 33:6 tells us GOD spoke the heavens into existence with a word. As amazing as that is, Psalm 147:4 tells us God not only knows how many stars there are, but has named each one.
And then consider that somewhere in the midst of billions of galaxies in the known universe is one called the Milky Way. It is made up of hundreds of billions of stars, one of which is the sun. And one of the planets circling the sun is the earth where you and I, and about 6.7 billion others, live. God is really, really cool!
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